Optimal Credible Warnings

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20 Juillet 2018
Types de publication: 
Cahier de recherche
Koffi Akakpo
Marie-Amélie Boucher
Vincent Boucher
Axe de recherche: 
Enjeux économiques et financiers
Flood warnings
Renewable resource management
Classification JEL: 

We consider a decision maker who is responsible for issuing flood warnings for the population. The population is uncertain about the credibility of the warnings and adjusts its beliefs following false alerts or missed events. We show that low credibility leads the decision maker to issue warnings for lower probabilities of flooding. In practice, those probabilities are provided by hydrological forecasts. We therefore use our model to compare welfare under alternative real-world hydrological forecasts. We find that when forecasts include non-realistic extreme scenarios, the economy may remain stuck in a state characterized by many false alerts and poor credibility.


Koffi Akakpo: Department of Economics, Université Laval, CREATE; koffi.akakpo.2@ulaval.ca
Marie-Amélie Boucher: Department of Civil and Building Engineering, Université de Sherbrooke; marie-Amelie.Boucher@usherbrooke.ca
Vincent Boucher: Department of Economics, Université Laval, CRREP and CREATE; vincent.boucher@ecn.ulaval.ca